I’m sure lower back pain has affected majority of the readers of this blog. It actually affects 80% of Australian adults at some point in their life and is the most common form of functional restriction in people under the age of 45. Lower back pain can be caused by numerous different conditions affecting different [Read more…]
Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease
Has your mother, grandmother, father, grandfather, or other family member suffered from the degenerative Alzheimer’s disease? If so, you have more than likely asked, is this terrible disease genetic? Can it be prevented? Well unfortunately the answer is yes, it does have a genetic component. If a family member has had the disease, you have [Read more…]
When people think of diseases associated with obesity
When people think of diseases associated with obesity the first things that pop into their head usually would be cancer, or diabetes, or heart disease. All of these would be right, however, another obesity related disease that is often undermined and overlooked is Osteoarthritis. Although it can be argued weather obesity can actually cause the [Read more…]
Our balance starts to diminish as we get older
As we all already know, our balance starts to diminish as we get older and our chances of having a fall increases. This is becoming a larger problem year by year as our population ages and the prevalence of falls increases. In 2009-2010 there were a reported 83,800 Australians hospitalisend due to a falls related [Read more…]
Exercising Until You Vomit?
As 14 million Australians are overweight or obese, people are always looking for the quick fix with regards to weight loss. We are looking to shed kilos of fat in weeks and are willing to try anything to do so. And it is this desperation that makes the overweight population vulnerable to what they see [Read more…]
Losing Your Mind?
Has your mother, grandmother, father, grandfather, or other family member suffered from the degenerative Alzheimer’s disease? If so, you have more than likely asked, is this terrible disease genetic? Can it be prevented? GENETIC COMPONENT Well unfortunately the answer is yes, it does have a genetic component. If a family member has had the disease, [Read more…]
Top Tips On How to Start Your Exercise Programme
So your having a hard time starting an exercise programme? Your not alone. Research indicates that only 54 percent of Australians do enough exercise to achieve a health benefit. The good news is that it is not as hard as you may think. Studies have revealed that if you exercise at least three times a [Read more…]
Diabetes program suspended from Peel Health Campus
DIABETES patients have been told they will have to travel to Rockingham or Murdoch to receive treatment, after the Peel Health Campus had its only specialist suspended. The Integrated Diabetes and Endocrinology Service (IDES) commenced in December 2011 at the Peel hospital, a three-year pilot program established by the Department of Health and Rural Health [Read more…]
Course to help growing number of diabetics
A GROWING number of diabetics in the Peel region is what prompted exercise physiologist Clinton Joynes to set up a diabetes management service. Moving With Diabetes is an eight-week rolling course designed for people with type two diabetes. Mr Joynes, who has owned the Lakes Road clinic Accelerate Exercise Rehabilitation since 2002, said the course [Read more…]
The benefits of exercise on your brain
Hi guys welcome to my first attempt at blogging. Every couple of weeks I will endeavour to share my thoughts on various topics related to exercise. Being involved in the health and wellness industry for 18 years, initially as a personal trainer, then as a strength and conditioning coach, before evolving into an Accredited Exercise [Read more…]